What are features of C language

Hello, budding coders!
Welcome back!
so, what are the features of the C programming language? let's find the answer 

C is a procedural programming language. 
So what is a procedural programming language?
Dividing a bigger program into a small program, and those small programs are known as procedures or functions. 

Any language is divided into low-level language and high-level language. 
Whereas C is a middle-level language. 

So, what is a middle-level language?  
1) It is simpler for humans to understand. 
2) And it has access to system features means direct access to memory through pointers.
    we can do bit manipulation using a bitwise operator.
    we can write assembly level language using C.

lets us look into the format of C language- 

Preprocessor! the name itself suggest processing done prior to the compilation. 
The preprocessor directive replaces the actual text content with the header file. 
Here the header file is the standard input-output file and .h represent the header file (<stdio.h>)

The preprocessor directive expands the source code. because the actual content of header file is placed in that part.  

main() is that part of a program from where compilation starts. 
And thereby executes the body of the main function.

So why there are different files? 

The header file has the code which we are using in our source code. 
For example, in source code, we use printf() statements. 
The code for printf() is present in the header file (<stdio.h>)
These header files are inbuilt. 

There is a linker that maps the content present in the C std library. 
It won't change the code. It simply maps the content. 

Linker makes compilation fast. 

So, these were the features of the C programming language which makes it unique. 

Happy learning! 


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