Why to learn C?

Hello, budding coders! 

Before getting into the answer, let's know a bit of history with that you get to know the answer.
Computers can only understand binary language (i.e, 1's and 0's).
In the ancient period, people use to remember binary representation of every instruction.
let's take an example -
To write the word "HELLO"
Just to print "hello" we need this many binary bits.
Imagine how complex it would be to perform a complex task !! difficult to remember that many binary bits right !!

Then there comes an ASSEMBLY LEVEL LANGUAGE 

Assembly level language was easy to write and to understand 
let's take an example -
To add numbers 2,3 

Easy to understand right !!

Then why there was invention of a program like C?

Well, assembly level language was easy to understand. It had a few drawbacks like portability and the number of instructions to perform single tasks. 
C has overcome these drawbacks. The code in C was portable.
portable means the code was able to run on any operating systems like Windows or Linux etc
secondly the code required to perform the single task was less.
let's take the same example as took for assembly level language -

Easier that assembly level language right!
just one line instruction!
but the computer cant understands this language.
Compliers were used to convert this language into binary.

I hope so you got the answer.

Happy learning!


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